Carnegie Chaperone News
Thank you to the many parents who came to the meeting. We appreciate the time you have set aside to learn about roles, responsibilities, and requirements related to chaperoning the 260+ student musicians on the Carnegie trip. If you were not able to make it to the meeting, please review the documents below. Those who attended may find information below a good refresher.
Basic Requirements:
- MBUSD Fingerprinting (contact Taliah Raoof, (310-318-7345 ext. 5914) - Proof of TB Test Key Dates:
In June, we asked for parent interest in chaperoning. This month, after understanding roles, responsibilities, and requirements, we ask for your commitment. Fundraising
We are joining with the Band Boosters to raise the necessary funds not covered by our contract with Artist Travel Consultants. (See original information flyer sent home in June.) The biggest expense is related to the rental and transportation of the necessary instruments. We are still in the process of identifying the best possible configuration that gives our young musicians the best opportunity at creating the desired sound quality. Questions? Contact Beth Nicosia, VP of Events and Fundraising. |
Set in motion a variety of fundraising initiatives. We especially need parents who have experience with organizing events, social media, fundraising and logistics. Please contact us by email here. Money Matters
Carnegie Contribution Schedule for performers: 11 June $200 18 September 225 01 October 225 02 November 225 01 December 225 05 January 225 01 February 225 01 March TBD $1,800 Carnegie Contribution Schedule for chaperones: 11 June $200 02 November 325 01 December 325 05 January 325 01 February 325 01 March TBD $1,650 SEND checks to class. Please write checks to MBX Foundation. Remember to write "Carnegie" & your student's name on the memo line. *The final installment payments for both students and chaperones will be a variable amount depending on individual fundraising $ earned, overall fundraising efforts and final airfare cost. We will send you an individualized statement at this time. |